Monday, June 30, 2008

Manmohan-The weakest leader of state on Earth

It is no secret who calls the shots in India. Manmohan Singh (MMS) is a facade, the person who calls the shot is Sonia Gandhi. MMS is just a stop gap arrangement til the time Rahul Gandhi is ready to takeover the reigns. MMS was the best choice because he is not a leader, but just a manager who is no threat.

Now calling MMS a manager rather than a leader is justified. He is the only PM who is non elected by the people of India; he preferred to move to parliament via the back door. All the time he sings paeans of the MD and Chairman viz Soniaji and Rahulji. He is head of a government which actually walks on crutches of other parties: previously it was left, now he wants to embrace Mulayam.

MMS claims that Nuke deal was his initiative. The whole country doubts it. If it was his baby why is he not owning the baby for ast three years. He is a spineless manager: Gets nervous and dilly-dallies at slightest threat. He and his closest minister Chidambaram just made mince meat of a growing economy left by previous government. The country fails to understand how can anyone damage a economy that was growing at 9+ percentage. During his reign we saw stock market zoom up without any reason and now he has butchered economy in such a way that stock maret is on a down slide. I must say this guy has lot of talent: only an expert can destroy a masterpiece.

MMS has had the worst relation with opposition. I dont know when was the last time he got the opposition into confidence. He didnt even bother to defend his nuke deal to opposition with passion which he claims is his work. All he did was make a Left UPA joint comitee and try to woo them. His calculation went awry: He thought Left will stay with him because his party and left are anti BJP. But he disnt realise that left is a snake that bites the hand of person who feeds it. Nor MMS is a distraught and devastated. But i dont think he should regret because he is reaping what he sowed.

MMS is history. This is last time he will be in parliament. After this term, like Narasimha Rao, he will retire and will not be remembred even y his won colleagues leave alone Sonia or Rahul. I ma ready to bet on it. Any takers????????